Someone said she’s “Sunny Florida’s answer to Iceland’s Björk mixed in a blender with some Freddie Mercury, Joss Stone, Amy Winehouse and with a pinch of Paramore and Led Zeppelin. ”

Singer, songwriter, musician, artist, dancer, runner, vegan, animal lover

Meresha has performed solo and as a member of groups/bands in both the United States and Europe.

Meresha sang and played rock, pop and gospel music originally performed by Queen, Led Zeppelin, Amy Winehouse, Duffy, Christina Aguilera, The Ramones, The Who and many others in front of audiences of up to 600. She has also performed in Broadway-like plays under the guidance of experienced Broadway performers.

Meresha has studied music, singing, songwriting, dance, guitar and theater with a range of great coaches.

A multi-form artist, Meresha’s sketches and paintings of famous rock and movie stars have won awards.

More on her website: