Darlin has released her new single titled ‘Booze Hound’, from her new EP ‘Burnt Cake’. Quirky with a bit of snark, ‘Booze Hound’ is that perfect gateway drug of an artist introduction. Darlin has taken the party anthem and made it an introvert’s anthem by creating a track that is as insightful, musically, as it is inspirational for like-minded individuals.

Whatever your tastes, in regards to new music, may be, you can’t not like ‘Booze Hound’ for it’s lyrical bounce overlaid varied musical textures as one constant hook.

About Darlin

Based in Berlin, Linda Stark (AKA Darlin), found her musical footing early in life. A combination of 70s and 80s music, along with musical theater and professional voice lessons, shaped her artistry. With a BA in Jazz and Popular Music from Macromedia University, she co-founded her own indie record label Mosaik Records. She has been releasing her own work through the label since 2021, masterfully blending pop and indie sounds with that of yesterday’s music. Her style creates an atmosphere that captures both unicorn-like wonder and a touch of Dracula’s allure.

“Booze Hound” was conceptualized and written entirely by Darlin, along with the rest of the EP. All vocals were recorded in her bedroom, and her guitarist Tim Welt and producer Fabrice Richter-Reichhelm worked on the instrumentals at Studi-yo Berlin. Till Kaefert provided mixing and mastering for this single. The single covers, art work, and the script-writing, directing and the post-production of the music videos were solely done by Darlin.

Speaking on the track she shares, “I created it with the intention to briefly escape from any bad feelings and just pretend that everything is okay, maybe even believe it for a while.” It is her favorite track on the EP, an anthem for the comfort of the party just before the crash.
