Aura uses a blend of dance and electronic beats to connect you to the powerful message in her song, a message that is conveyed through a dream-like state and delivered by an angelic being who is ultimately her higher self.

Throughout the music video, Aura makes several references to Lotus flowers as a reminder to everyone that even the most beautiful and sacred flower on this planet must endure the darkness and pain of getting through the thick layers of mud beneath the waters before it can fully blossom and radiate its beauty.

“A true connection with heaven exists within each and everyone of us,” says Aura, “and, like a Lotus flower, the only way we can get there is by walking through the darkness and facing the demons that dance inside our minds. Once we kill the ego, break the molds of conformity and finally cut the cords of attachment to anything or anyone that has hurt us or held us back, we will finally be FREE … free to become one with light, love and bliss, allowing us to live a life of peace and happiness.”

When asked about her goals for her song “The Center of Bliss,” Aura stated, “My only goal is to inspire as many people as I can through love and to help light the way for others who may be hurting, living in fear or blocking themselves from achieving the ultimate healing in this lifetime.” (Aura pauses for moment and wipes away a tear before resuming.) “We are not ‘abuse’, we are not ‘rape’, we are not ‘molestation’, or ‘sadness’ or ‘depression’ … we are all powerful beings, divine beings of love and light, connected directly to the source. Honor that Divine God/Goddess within and let love and light lead you to your center of bliss.”

Prior to this debut, Aura spent almost 7 years as singer and songwriter for the pop/rock/electronic band Tasting Grace, whose music video “No Regrets” won the prestigious Marcom Award.

The video was directed and produced by Aura (Jenna G-Love), Vince Richards and Drew Ambrose of Aura Universe Productions. This Trio also co-wrote and co-produced Tasting Grace’s “No Regrets” music video in conjunction with Visitivity Media.

“Just close your eyes and feel the bliss inside. It brings me to tears every time. Such a beautiful song!” — iTunes Review