Hijack Hayley have today released their new single titled ‘Oh My God’. Consequence and introversion collide with originality in such a way to make a memorable moment set to music. Loose guitars over a solid rhythm and original songwriting are what makes this song something that stands out in the indie music scene.

Take from this what you will, I tend to keeps these short and sweet in order to put the music center stage. This is one of those situations. Listen, learn, repeat.

About Hijack Hayley & ‘Oh My God’

Fronted by Singapore-Filipino brothers Terence and Val Russel Tan, they say: “‘Oh My God’ blends emotional desires and rationality and wraps itself in a melody that echoes through the uncertainty of late-night musings and the thrill of unexpected connections. A line from the song — ‘Easy come, easy go, tumble on like a domino’ explores the chain reaction of fleeting moments and deep desires, which captures the essence of one of life’s intricacies; cause & effect. The song’s catchy hooks take you on a journey through the night, asking, ‘Do you really wanna go there?’ whether you’re lost in thought or on the dance floor and speaks to the heart of anyone who’s ever felt the pull of the unknown.”

After a slew of shows following their debut EP album ‘Counterpart EP’, including two nights at the prestigious Singapore F1 Grand Prix in 2023, the band revamp themselves and with a new line-up; Terence adds: “With the inclusion of Hijack Hayley’s new members, we are moving at a more impactful pace, as a band and as a brand too. Creatively, we often find ourselves in pockets of musical epiphany when the four of us meet up. And that fuels an entire new process for us a band ”Hijack Hayley aims to push the envelope even further. And there’s no sign of stopping.”
