Mary Mina has today released her new single titled ‘7 Weeks’. With the goal being soul and the artistry left within the feels, we get a timeless banger from an artist that found her sound long ago. I can’t help but say that Mary’s voice has that certain something that is beyond distinctive and there are some notes she seamlessly hits that invoke all of the right emotions. She encapsulates the meaning of the lyrics with her vocal style.

The best songs come from a story. Often a true one. One that starts with a vulnerability and ends with resilience and strength. ‘7 Weeks’ is that kind of story. Overcoming for the underdog. A lesson with love. The end result is the start of something new and original. This is the first. Here’s to many more.

About Mary Mina

Mary Mina, previously known under the stage name Mary in the Mirror, is set to captivate the music world with her debut self-produced solo project. In 2023, she achieved a significant milestone by securing a grant from the Arts Council, a turning point that propelled her into an intensive mentorship with Grammy-winning producer Mike Mangini. This period marked a dramatic transformation in her artistic journey, intensifying amidst personal turmoil including the end of a long-term romantic and musical partnership and the heart-wrenching loss of her father. These profound challenges became the crucible for her creative renewal.

Her inaugural single, “7 Weeks,” is both a narrative and a celebration of resilience, chronicling her ascent from the depths of personal despair to a pinnacle of artistic independence. The piece not only showcases her technical prowess as a self-reliant producer but also weaves a deep emotional tapestry reflective of her connection with her late father, a talented musician in his own right. This song, infused with the soulful echoes of Marvin Gaye, Al Green, Carole King, Amy Winehouse and the rich cultural threads of her Irish heritage, is poised to be released on 17 May 2024.

Mary will unveil “7 Weeks” in a live debut at her first DJ performance at Upfest in the Tobacco Factory, Bristol, on 18 May 2024, promising an electrifying fusion of personal storytelling and musical innovation. In addition to her live performances, Mary hosts a weekly radio show on Bristol’s Ujima Radio, where her song will be prominently featured on the Powerplay list, guaranteeing regular airplay and further amplifying her voice in the local music scene. Her previous track as Mary in the Mirror had captured attention on BBC Introducing in the South West, and now, with her new identity and sound, Mary Mina is not just continuing her musical journey but redefining it. Her music is not only a personal catharsis but also a potent declaration of her burgeoning legacy as an artist to watch.

Featured image by RD Smith Photography.