She wears a smile that never seems to leave her face, until she starts to sing. Goose bumps will crawl up your thighs, through your stomach, and into your heart as she sings her lyrics with style and meaning. Bri LoBue has been performing on stage since she has been two years old, and the performance she puts off is always powerful, no matter how many people are watching. Check out what Bri Lobue had to say during our interview.

When did you start performing music? 
I had my first public performance when I was 5 years old as “Ms. Hannigan” in my kindergarten’s production of “Annie“. (Laughs) But on a real note, I started performing my original music at 17.

Which instruments do you play?
I play guitar and fairly recently, ukulele! 

Describe your music interests and abilities.
My interests in music are very eclectic… My favorite style is country, but I also appreciate a great rap. That being said, the music I write is a combination of country, rock, and a bit of pop. I like writing songs that people can relate to, so I try to pull stories from real life scenarios. People want to hear music where they can put themselves in the artist’s shoes… so I try to remember that when I write. 

What famous musicians inspire you?
I adore everything about Carrie Underwood. Her voice is unbelievable and always on point, and she is just a lovely person and role model. I also LOVE Pink. She is such a badass, and an incredible entertainer. 

What are some of your best musical memories?
I would have to say performing for a packed, intimate bar, full of fun people is pretty much a guaranteed good time. There is one place called The DownTown that my band and I play at, and any time we know we’re performing there, we know it is going to be a wild night. Between the drunk people joining us on stage and ‘dancing’ with us, or getting off the stage and rocking out with the audience.,

“It makes you feel like a total rock star, and that is an awesome feeling.”


What public events do you have coming up?
I actually just received news that I’m going to be appearing on a new TV show called, “Do I Have A Hit Song,” in January, so I am SUPER excited about that! I’ll be performing my original song, “Bartender” that is currently on YouTube, and hopefully iTunes within the next couple of months! Be sure to tune in! 

What would you say to beginners in the industry, who are nervous?
Everyone’s path to success is different. Knowing that your music is unique and personal to you, is what makes it great.

“You just have to trust yourself and stay true to your instincts.”

How do you balance your music with your family and friends?
Sometimes it’s difficult to balance your career and social life. I have found myself turning down plans fairly often.  Only when I know I have a gig the next day, or an important event coming up. But the longer you live this lifestyle, the better you figure out your limits and what sort of schedule works for you. I like to think I have a pretty solid balance of work hard, play hard. 😉

Will you be releasing anything new?
Well, I just released the acoustic version of Bartender on YouTube, and I hope to release a fully produced version soon after premiering it on “Do I Have a Hit Song!”  Also, my acoustic EP “Runaway” is currently available on iTunes!

Where can we follow your career at?
You can follow my career on pretty much every possible form of social media.  HaHa! I’m on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, as well as my personal website, You can also follow my band, The Nines! We always post our performance schedules on our Facebook ((TheNinesNJ)) and

 Do you get nervous before a performance?
Honestly, I don’t. I think it’s different for everyone, but I’ve been on stage since I was 2 years old, and I have always loved it. Sometimes if I’m not totally comfortable on a guitar part I’m playing, that makes me nervous, but in general, not really! 

Do you attend jam sessions? 
Every band rehearsal turns into a jam session haha. I think a good jam session is the one you don’t plan. Just hanging out with friends and you all start playing and singing, and before you know it, you might have a song. I think relaxed settings where you’re not trying to get anything but fun out of it, usually return the best results. 


Is your family musical?
My dad can sing, but is very shy about it. He also plays guitar and rocked the accordion way back in the day. My mom and brother couldn’t sing if you paid them. My brother can whistle, and I can’t… Does that count? (laughs)

How do you handle mistakes during a performance?
I feel like when someone makes a mistake during a performance, they’re the only one who really cares. Most people won’t even notice you’ve made a mistake, unless you completely stop. Just keep smiling and rocking out, and the audience will rock out with you.

Who’s your biggest supporter?
That’s easy, my parents. They’re so incredibly supportive of me and my career, and have never questioned it as my path of choice. As a musician, especially one who isn’t ‘famous’ (yet ;-)) there are plenty of struggles. If you don’t have a strong support system, it could be very easy to lose the dream. You need people supporting and believing in you because the music business is tough enough as it is. I can’t thank them enough for their love and constant support. 

What’s your favorite song to perform and why?
My favorite original to perform would have to be Runaway. It’s sexy and mysterious with a hint of rock and roll. And that is exactly the style I want to portray. In regards to cover songs, I’d have to say Don’t Stop Believing By:  Journey. It’s just a classic, and always a crowd-pleaser. I also love rapping Mo Money, Mo Problems –  Guilty Pleasure. ​

About Johnny Naylor:
author-naylor-smJohnny Naylor is the founder and owner of 1st Shot Music and a feature writer for Jammerzine. His work can also be found on 1st Shot Music and Naylor’s Notes. You can also get his latest updates on his facebook page.