Short Films From Beyond will be holding its first annual film festival on September 6, 2014. The festival will include a range of short movies made by filmmakers worldwide that span the genres of thriller, horror, suspense, and science fiction. Short Films From Beyond seeks to encourage filmmakers to explore the boundaries of storytelling and provide a platform for showcasing the best films possible.

The venue will be the Tenth Avenue Arts Center, located at 930 10th Avenue in downtown San Diego, California 92101 on their main stage.

The festival begins at 6:30pm and will last approximately 3 hours. The festival is open to the public, and there is no admission charge, however guests are encouraged to bring snacks and/or drinks (no alcoholic beverages, please). The festival is being sponsored by Timescape Entertainment and Gravitywell Productions.

If you are a filmmaker interested in submitting your short movie, please email pertinent information to: before midnight Sept 30, 2014.

For further information please visit: