SuckerTrap has released their new video for the track titled ‘Everything’s Broken’. Rock as an anthem and music for a cause, SuckerTrap delves into the touchy and often shelved subject of violence and abuse of Indigenous women. SuckerTrap achieves this with an on-point track and vivid video that never lets up while letting you in.

Musically, the song is immersive. It surrounds you with a solid blend of instrumentation and takes you by the hand as it schools you through poetic lyrics that place everything on the table for you to ingest. This is what music is for. To give a way to sound off a message in a way you can’t ignore and, hopefully, you get a little enlightenment amid the sonic goodness. Beautiful.

About ‘Everything’s Broken’

‘Everything’s Broken’ is SuckerTrap’s haunting anthem shines a light on a crisis the world ignores throughout history, art has been one of the most powerful tools in fighting oppression. Music can give voice to those who have been silenced. This song is dedicated to missing Indigenous women in Canada.

A topic that we feel needs way more attention than it is getting. With hundreds of unsolved cases and thousands of victims, violence against Indigenous women is estimated at least six times higher than other demographics. In this song, we try to give a voice to the victims of systemic violence and help break the silence on an ongoing crisis that requires way more resources and urgency in prevention and resolution. This was not an easy topic for us to tackle. It’s a sensitive and extremely serious issue that needs to be handled with care and respect with the sole intention of drawing attention to the crisis through our art, not the artist.

Suckertrap has pledged to donate 100% of our earnings from this song to the organization Indigenous Women Rise Society.

About SuckerTrap

A dark celebration of heavy Rock and Roll music. It will sink its teeth into you and won’t let go! The latest project by Pinto Stiletto, formerly of Crystal Pistol, Bonitos, Wett Stilettos, and Randy Rampage band featuring Mr. Smyth on vocals. A mix of various influences from Iggy to Bauhaus, Sex Pistols to Sisters of Mercy Black Sabbath to Killing Joke, and Judas Priest. A dark celebration of heavy Rock and Roll music.

Suckertrap was initially a studio project. After gaining interest from a few labels in Canada and the U.S., who were hoping to see an actual live band, we decided to put a band together. We were still in the process of rehearsals for our first show when we signed a deal with SODEH Records out of Montreal. SODEH has taken on our back catalog and is working hard. But the real work will happen with our new album. With a proper promotion campaign and videos, we are planning on great success for this band.

Featured image by David Jacklin.