The Damed has today premiered their new single titled ‘Pirralha’. That sweet and blissful sound from when the underground was still underground matched up with lyrics meant for the 20’s and beyond, The Damed have produced a hook for the cool kids with the relevance of rebellion.

A warning from musical mentors to a generation of narcissists who filter the truth through their beliefs while they ask us to like and subscribe who think if they yell and shame loud enough the rest of us will shut up. ‘Pirrala’ shuts down that ‘new norm’ and preaches via post-punk that we may become post-mortem.

About The Damed

The Damed is a goth-infused post-punk band composed of Heather Hellskiss (guitarist-vocalist) and Watts Yoshizawa (drummer). “Pirralha” was recorded at Hellskiss Studio in Los Angeles, CA, and is the duo’s second single off of their sophomore release.

This tune is an in-your-face climate statement that starts off with a bright-timbre guitar, and venomous yet playful vocals.

“Ask the millennials
It will impact us all
Rising sea levels
Deep underwater, fall
All those bombs going off
Planes and helicopters
So much fuel being used”

The vocalist mentions the myriad of problems the human race is causing: polluting the air and water, extinction, and rapidly melting ice.

The bridge is strikingly quiet, despite a biting, ambulance-like guitar.

“Restore the natural cycle
Before rapid extinction”

The tune then crescendos back into an angular, fierce-feeling section. Overall, the song has a heavy dose of vintage filters, making us feel like we are indeed going back in time.

We get a short playful section where Heather is scat-screaming and then a new verse that is swollen with guitar tremolos and angst. The song ends abruptly, just as The Damed warns that our earth could, especially if we don’t change our ways. The Damed’s new release is jarring and bold, a war song not asking for, but demanding change.

I am an environmentalist and always trying to reduce my carbon footprint. I am often disheartened by the lack of political and social effort to protect our one and only planet. I was inspired to write this song to bring better awareness of this climate crisis to the forefront and also recognition to those souls fighting for Mother Earth. The dark layered guitar textures, droney and driving bass lines, bombastic beats and urgent vocal projections all contribute to the mood and tone of ‘Pirralha’

Heather Hellskiss

“Pirralha” is available on all streaming platforms September 30th. Make sure you keep up with this group, as they are releasing a brand new music video in October!

Featured image by Trina Calderón.