Vamberator has today released their new single titled ‘Sleep The Giant Of Sleeps’. A beautiful symphony of noise and mayhem with a slight dark side that gives it a slightly underground feeling.

What sticks in my ears, though, is the original choice of instrumentation and all of the other things going on in the background. Massive arrays of synth, synth sounds, orchestration, and even a banjo caress and collide with mystery and magic yet all seem to come together behind the vocals and vitality to create an almost new sound.

About Vamberator

From the dying embers of Shelleyan Orphan (with the late Caroline Crawley), Jem Tayle plucks out its heart, and along with Boris Williams of The Cure, they forge the beast that is Vamberator: a magical funky hybrid; a frisky colt on a journey to find a meaning in this age of loneliness.

The monster says, ‘Come into my garden, love’, and we find ourselves trawling through the streets of New York, inhabiting the mind of Lou Reed, being pursued by a creature that refuses to go away. Is it all in the mind? And why won’t it cut ‘the long tall grass’? Will we ever know?

This is Vamberator, growing in the shade, where the most interesting plants grow: an emotional being; a sensitive flower; the animal serenader; a rebellious beast! This is Schrammel pop to its core!

Jem describes his transition from Shelleyan Orphan to Vamberator: “After Caroline’s passing, I had been offered the chance to make a solo album. I had been writing on and off without a focus and not having someone to bounce off was new to me. Boris is family, and we have played together with Shelleyan Orphan live and in the studio on and off for years, so it felt very natural for us to work on this together. I am extremely fortunate to have a drummer of his calibre pounding out the rhythms on this album.”

Vamberator’s debut single, ‘Sleep the Giant of Sleeps’ is from the forthcoming album Age of Loneliness (Unifaun Productions), and also features regular collaborator Charlie Jones (Goldfrapp, The Cult, Robert Plant et al) on bass. Asked to describe the themes and inspirations behind the new single, Jem replies:

“Chasing trains, chasing dogs, chasing dreams, they always get away. Pushing your way through that froth on a daydream, sharing the gloom with ghouls and procrastinating – it’s all part of the daily merry-go-round. But there is always an unseen presence that comes to the rescue, sometimes in dreams, sometimes in the middle of the night as you cool yourself in front of that open fridge. It’s relentless though, and here it comes again, but there’s so much to do, but close your eyes and there she is again.” ‘Sleep the Giant of Sleeps’ by Vamberator is out now from Bandcamp, Spotify, and all the usual digital music stores worldwide.