An eclectic Indie rock band from Italy, Noel and the Pandas are exciting group add a variety of ideas to their rock roots. Their debut album ‘In the Art of Doom’ sees them on sparkling form, and the latest single is no exception. With great electronic touches and even a jazz feel thanks to a beautifully lonely sounding trumpet melody, the song’s gradual build then transforms it into a thumping anthem for the close, making it one of the very best on an excellent album.

Produced by guitarist Nicola Rosti, the debut album marked them out as the hottest new alternative rock sound to emerge from Italy, and that’s a reputation that is only likely to grow with singles like this.

The lyrics, written by band founder Noel, are a typically wistful reflection on his own history. His is a story of riches to rags, and after a promising career as a banker was ended overnight, he has picked himself back up from a life of destitution using nothing but his music and the experiences he has to write about. The power of music to move and transform those who make and hear it is often underestimated, but Noel is living proof that – with enough talent and determination – it’s possible to come back from the brink.

‘It all started when my first life ended and a brand new one was there to begin’ says Noel now. And, with the fresh sounds of Noel and the Pandas to show for it, it’s a new life with plenty of pathos and desire.

‘Wondering Love’ will be released on March 2nd.