Creating her own unique flavour of genre-fluid music Daisy Harris takes inspiration from the likes of Mazzy Star, The Smashing Pumpkins and The Lemonheads to cement her brand of indie-pop guitar music. Her impressive musicianship shines through with her multi-instrumental ability and wonderfully translates into transcendental and heartfelt music.

Harris (vocals/ guitar/ banjo/ ukulele) has already worked the showcase circuit across Glasgow and with total self-sufficiency when it comes to recording and mixing and has been dominating the Manchester music scene with live shows.

Coming swiftly off the back of the well-received EP ‘Fish Tank’, Daisy is back with brand new music in tow. Switching up her sound, from the folksy nature of ‘Forest Girl Rock’ and punkier, 00’s sounds of ‘Fish Tank’, her latest venture ‘The Way I Live My Life’ finds its roots in firmly grounded in a forceful rock soundscape, emotion-fuelled vocals and woozy shoegaze.

‘The Way I Live My Life’ boasts letting go of resentment (“You said you’ll always be there/ So did my ex from last year”), thriving in your own independence (“I guess I’m independent”), and respecting boundaries (“It’s not about needing space, I just don’t want you all the time”). It’s all about embracing self-love and putting yourself first – and Harris does this by placing an emphasis on not letting romance completely rule your life by forgetting everything else that you have going for you (“I can’t love you more than my sister / Or my best friend”).

Joining her already impressive discography, ‘The Way I Live My Life’ signifies a completely new chapter for Daisy, she has emerged from the heartache of her earlier releases, the lust of ‘Your Girlfriend’, and emerged completely self-empowered – she’s refined her sound, and her values.

Complete with completely catchy beats that can be attributed to Busted/McFly-influence, a maelstrom of instrumentation creates a juxtaposing-ly messy, yet completely infectious backdrop for Harris’ clarity in her emotion and actions.

In her boldest shift in genre yet, attributed largely to shoegaze influences, Harris demonstrates her unique knack to conquer any sound and deliver it with the utmost of passion.

SOURCE: Official Bio