Jenny JAM has today released her new video for the single titled ‘My Letter To You’. Jenny shows that she is much braver than I am with the existence of ‘My Letter To You’. Based on a hurtful letter that her father wrote before his death in 2014, the song and video come from that dark place many of us fear to tread. That feeling of rejection, dejection turning to reflection and introspection is something we can only do with strength and perseverance. This alone makes Jenny a mentor to all of us. To make it into an audio artform is magical to behold. The symbolism of the video is as heartfelt as it is honest.

Jenny JAM shows us, with ‘My Letter To You’, what music is meant for.

About Jenny JAM

Jenny JAM is a London born, Los Angeles based soul-pop singer/songwriter whose music aims to encourage others to always believe in yourself even when times get tough. Her thought-provoking and sincere songwriting allows listeners to connect to her music, delivering an authentic message that has been captivating audiences across the globe.

With a background in musical theatre, acting and modelling, Jenny utilizes her dynamic singing talents and experiences to craft her own unique and genuine music. Inspired to write after a series of traumatic events, Jenny used writing as a form of release, wanting others to hear her story and learn from her experiences and mistakes. The overall theme of her music highlights turning negatives into positives.

The musician explains, “You can always take the positive out of the worst of experiences, as there is always a lesson – no matter how big the price to pay is”.

Jenny draws from a panorama of influences ranging from jazz, soul and blues, to the classic 60’s rock bands including The Rolling Stones, The Beatles and Fleetwood Mac. Jenny reveals, “Amy Winehouse’s real and deeply honest lyrics mixed with her classic 60’s style jazz, has definitely made me feel that as an artist I can be more free to express who I really am, in the style I really want”.

Jenny JAM has acted in many notable films and programs under the name ‘Jennifer Moxham’ alongside renowned actors and actresses. Through her music, Jenny JAM paints a dark picture of how life can be, but the message is always the same; the importance of always believing in yourself.