Joe Hertler & The Rainbow Seekers have today released their new single titled ‘What I Want’. Not to sound cliché, but this is exactly what I wanted today. Needed, more like it. Funk to f*ck to, if you will. Not that that was what I was doing when I heard this, but there is that sensual swagger running all about. That feeling of slight bravado to start the day off with a smile and end with a bang. Jam band with a purpose. Music as memorization.

‘What I Want’ leaves a little for the imagination. Let that imagination run wild.

If there’s any prevailing theme on this record, it’s that the universe can be an effed up place sometimes. Humans, in particular, can fall prey to some nasty tribalistic tendencies. But life is a miracle. We get to look at ourselves in the mirror and say, “holy fuck, I exist!” Every day we wake up to chaos, but we have the distinct, sentient power to be hopeful, to be kind & compassionate, and to work every day towards what we believe in. Change is an expression of nature’s joy. You gotta embrace chaos.

Joe Hertler

About Joe Hertler & The Rainbow Seekers

Joe Hertler & The Rainbow Seekerswill make a sprightly young groove doctor out of anyone. With spectacular energy pulsating from every member of the band, the Rainbow Seekers could illuminate the very chambers of Heaven. Lead singerJoe Hertlersplashes through lyrical puddles of golden rain, leaving his audience wearing flowery crowns and bubbling smiles. A ride on the Rainbow will take you across the mountains of Motown, through the fjords of folk, over the archipelagos of Americana, and-at last-into a funky firth, where only the fiercest of friendships can be found.Their quest has brought them across the nation and upon such noble gatherings as Bonnaroo, Electric Forest, and Summer Camp.

“The live show is the purpose of the band. This is why we make music. Playing music is a symbiotic process, the crowd is as much a part of it as the musicians. We give as much energy and love as we can and we can feel that coming from the crowd as well” says Hertler. “We believe that performance is not a High Art operation, and that you should do anything you can to ensure that the crowd is having a good time. From piñatas to confetti, to fog, to flowers, to drum solos, to strobe lights, to Thor, tosword battles-literally anything goes.”Join them in their celebration, and they will take you on a never-ending journey to a place you’ll never be able to describe in words.

‘What I Want’ is primed for the dancefloor as the tasty organ lick gets things going right from the rip. With an anthemic chorus, call-and-response verses, four-on-the-floor beats, and a mind-blowing flute solowhat more you do you need to get your groove on?Listen to “What I Want” on all digital retailers.

“‘What I Want’ is a reminder to appreciate the moment,” explains Joe. “People focus on goals and forget to smell the roses. They try to find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow (the pot of gold does not exist), when the real treasure is in appreciating the rainbow itself.”TheRainbow Seekers are also excited to hit the road withnew Fall 2022 tour datesalongside theirfriends and kindred spirits Próxima Parada. Tickets areon sale now!