Paytra has today released her new single titled ‘Breaking Glass Ceilings’. A sonic mix of rock yeah and fuck you, Paytra collides rock and rap into an anthem for the masses with a message that reminds you that you have the power to do anything.

Uplifting songs should all be like this. The attitude. The anger. The meaning is conveyed in the music and the message is felt through the feeling. This isn’t just an anthem for the underdogs, it’s a message to the masses.

About ‘Breaking Glass Ceilings’

“Breaking Glass Ceilings” is filled with motivational lyrics and aggressive, lively instrumentation. Following her latest release, “You Got The Sauce,” a passionate and upbeat track with R&B undertones celebrating individuality, Paytra continues her fearless approach in the industry as a talented and influential rockstar. Her ability to connect with all women through her empowering lyrics emphasizes that she should not be underestimated.

An unapologetic anthem for underdogs, “Breaking Glass Ceilings” prompts the listeners to welcome and accept their inner power and unstoppable energy. Her lively cadence and tone allow her to conquer and outshine those who have tried to diminish her ability as a strong woman and future star in the industry. “I was raised to never doubt myself and that I could do anything a man could do. So once I got into the real world and realized other people HADN’T been raised that way… and that I had to work even harder to get the same respect as the men in the room– I felt rage. That’s what this song represents to me,” explains Paytra. She has made it clear that she is here to stay and that she will not be overlooked or outshined.

“I’m going to bust down the door and make sure I make it happen.” Her hungry mentality and communication with the audience shine through her well-thought-out words, pushing people to pursue their dreams and not worry about what others think of them, which manifests her power in the industry and showcases her extreme potential. “To any girl reading this… know that it will be hard. You will be treated differently because of being a woman. But also know that it’s okay to bust down the door if it’s not being opened for you.”

Born and raised in Michigan, Paytra decided to pursue her dreams of being in music by buying a one-way ticket to NY at 16. Discovering her voice over the years, she developed a sound with rock, pop, and funk influences, helping her become a mogul for other lyricists, typically focusing on the unheard voices of young women. Advocating for the future generation, she covers topics of sexism, racism, self-compassion, and other moving and meaningful concepts. Through her music, she shares her stories as a fierce symbol of feminism and strength, navigating through a complex male-dominated industry. Her previously released singles gained praise from New Scene Magazine, ParaPOP, and OutLoud! Culture.

About Paytra

Born and raised in small-town Michigan, Paytra had a burning desire for something more. So, at just 16 years old, she bought a one-way ticket to New York City to chase her music dreams. Young and naive, she wasn’t prepared for the turbulent and often vicious tactics of the music industry in the most competitive city in the world. She found herself in the midst of it all, and quickly learned that being a young female with a lot to say wasn’t going to be a walk in the park.

But Paytra didn’t let the obstacles defeat her. She knew that if she was going to make it in this city, she needed to up her game: musically, mentally, and physically. So instead, she dedicated herself to her craft, honing in on countless hours of dance classes, vocal lessons, and performances, and emerging as a true force to be reckoned with. Her music, a blend of modern beats and R&B, alt-funk, and soul influences from the ’90s and ’70s, is both powerful and fun, tackling topics like self-reliance, sexism, racism, and sisterhood with infectious energy and joy. The journey of overcoming in order to become who she needed to be was painful but also empowering, and it fuels the fire behind her lyrics; you can feel Paytra’s fear, rage, anxiety, passion, and strength in the music. The once shy and sweet girl found her voice.

Paytra’s mission goes beyond just creating catchy hooks and dance-worthy beats. With a heart for empowering women, she has invested in female entrepreneurs through her work with a New York-based VC syndicate company. Through her music and business ventures, she is paving the way and breaking down barriers for women to claim their space in industries that have long been dominated by men.

In 2023, Paytra is turning up the volume even more, releasing her five-song EP Momma Taught Me How To Fight and her full-length album Tiny But Mighty, both masterpieces of self-expression and genre-bending pop. This fearless and self-assured pop star is bringing change to pop music. Paytra isn’t afraid to speak her truth and go against the mold. For this reason, she’s not only become known as a business mogul, but a fierce symbol of feminism, strength, and power.