VELCROS has released their new single titled ‘Troubled Mind’ as well as it’s new video from their upcoming album ‘Strange News From the Vault’ releasing March 22nd, 2024. This is one of those tracks that is memorable from that first listen. Charging along. Glistening in the bright spot, in your mind, where you keep all of that memorable music.

Lying in that area where punk fades into post-punk, ‘Troubled Mind’ gives feeling to what you hear and meaning to what you listen too.


After witnessing a memorable performance by Texas punk band Radioactivity at one of Leipzig’s infamous DIY venues, fellow musicians Fabian Bremer (AUA, RADARE), Nicolai Hildebrandt (Ex-OKTA LOGUE) and Manuel Markstein (WAYSTE) felt the need to form a band to rediscover the raw and visceral energy they just had experienced. This evening laid the groundwork for what soon should become VELCROS. It was a pivotal moment, especially for Bremer and Hildebrandt, who once thrashed together in the short-lived hardcore outfit SARG, which disbanded in 2013. The formation of VELCROS brought everything full circle—a fitting return to their punk roots.

The video was directed by Nicolai Hildebrandt. Music and lyrics written and performed by Fabian Bremer, Nicolai Hildebrandt and Manuel Markstein. Recorded by Magnus Wichmann and VELCROS. Mixed and mastered by Magnus Wichmann at Lala Studios, Leipzig.