Being influenced by artists such as The Cure, Joy Division/New Order, Sisters of Mercy, Interpol, and Editors, Stockholm based A Projection started in 2013.

Although sometimes spilling over into Goth, the first three albums (Exit, Framework and Section) have been rather firmly rooted in Post Punk, developing from a rather hard-boiled, minimalistic sound into a more readily accessible one.

During Covid, after a line up change and the former bassist becoming the lead singer, they also changed record labels from Tapete Records to Metropolis Records, the sound of A Projection shifted towards a more synth based style with a lot of influences from both the 80s, contemporary darkwave but a little more mainstream.

All of A Projection’s releases have received great reviews, with grades alternating between 4 and 5 on a 5-point scale. Even so, the latest album ‘In a Different Light’, in which external musicians Sarah
Boom from Turquoise and Henrik Linder from Dirty Loops, have participated, many critics and radio hosts consider it their best yet.

The A Projection sound has been described as “a danceable mixture of post punk and electronica, with both depth and edge, bright colors and darkness”.

A Projection have been touring since 2013, appearing at festivals such as Amphi Festival, Autumn Moon Festival, BatFiSH Festival, Dark Spring Festival – 2 times (headlining), Devilstone Festival, Extramuralhas Festival, M’era Luna, Minicave-Festival (headlining), Mörk Stad, NCN – 3 times (headlining), Oakfield Festival, Owls ‘n’ Bats Festival (headlining), Plage Noire Festival, Salafestivalen, Subkultfestivalen, Wavefest, Wave-Gotik-Treffen and Wilwarin Festival.

A Projection have also played separate shows together with Girls Under Glass, Agent Side Grinder, Then Comes Silence, Wires & Lights and Golden Apes.

SOURCE: Official Bio