1. Dawn An-Ting 安婷 6:55

An-Ting is a concert pianist, composer, theatre director and currently the Artistic Director of Kakilang which supports a wide variety of East and South East Asian heritage artists in England.

Dawn 破曉 is An-Ting’s first electronic music single. The electronica soundscape is created through field recordings of natural sounds and 38 birdsongs in Europe and Asia, mixed with audio effects. An-Ting was inspired by the dawn chorus she experienced in Portugal to create this music, which reflects our yearning for nature as our first home.

Dawn 破曉 is composed for HOME X, a cutting-edge production combining theatre, music, gaming, and VR technology. This innovative live performance was created in collaboration with technologists and artists in London and Hong Kong.

The team has created a 3D world where digital audience members can join as native creatures. Live performers from Hong Kong and the UK will be captured as 3D images by depth-sensing cameras and added to the world. In-person audience members in both locations will see half of the performers live in the venue and the other half as 3D projections on an immersive screen.

After winning Arts Council England’s Digital Culture Award for storytelling, the team is thrilled to bring this ground-breaking experimental performance to audiences in the UK and around the world. HOME X features dancers and musicians from the UK and Hong Kong collaborating in a virtual reality world. Audiences will witness the future of live performance at the premiere in February 2023 online worldwide or in person at venues including the London Barbican, Theatre Royal York, and Cambridge Junction in the UK.

HOME X is co-produced by Kakilang (formerly Chinese Arts Now) and their Hong Kong partner, Don’t Believe in Style and co-commissioned by Cambridge Junction, Oxford Contemporary Music and York Theatre Royal. The work is supported by StoryFutures and The Space, originally commissioned by British Council Hong Kong.

An-Ting is the artistic director of Kakilang which is a National Portfolio Organisation funded by Arts Council England, supporting UK-based East and South East Asian artists.

An-Ting has performed and presents her works regularly at venues such as Southbank Centre, LSO St Luke’s, King’s Place, Newbury Spring Festival, Deal Festival, Cheltenham Town Hall, National Theater Taiwann and the Akademie der Künste Berlin (Academy of Arts)

She also has a broad background which includes a unique mix of science and art with a degree in Chemistry from National Taiwan University and a MMus and PhD in performance from the Royal Academy of Music.

She released her original piano album Songs from My Room in 2022, classical piano albums Water Image in 2015 and Carnival of the Animals in 2021, which features her transcription of Saint-Saëns Carnival of the Animals.

SOURCE: Official Bio
