And Actually is set to release their new single titled ‘Charades’ tomorrow. From the first haunting notes of “Charades,” And Actually invites us into a dreamscape haunted by visions of the past. Stirring strings bring to mind old Hollywood – perhaps remembering a Gilded Age turned sour with time. Beautiful harmonies tangle together then break away, as if to say that all things must come to an end. Luckily for us, And Actually is just beginning their musical experimentation.

Born out of other projects and chance collaborations, And Actually’s three members are jumping off the cliff into uncharted waters. In the past, these songwriters have written on acoustic instruments. But for this project, they’ve chosen to write digitally and piece everything together. The results are stunning.

“Charades” is like a patchwork quilt. One moment, you think you’ve grasped the image. But get a glimpse from another angle and everything changes. Morphing from a quiet vocal into a soul-shattering crescendo of strings and pounding percussion, “Charades” showcases the arranging power of these three musicians. The song rises and sets, just like the sun on those long Summer days. It’s a breakup song about doomed relationships – the ones that circle the drain for a long time before finally fading out. The moment when it finally ends can be just as devastating, even though there’s no big fight or climactic struggle. 

I love when songs are musically and lyrically synced. And Actually moves us through a range of moods sonically, mirroring the demise of the relationship in the lyrics. The voices blend together then burst apart. “Charades” is the work of musicians who have logged hours perfecting their craft. I can’t wait to hear what comes next as they continue writing and releasing music.

About And Actually

There you were, swimming the mainstream, just riding the torrent, staying in your lane, when out of nowhere, life somehow gave you the chance to stop pretending everything was okay. You didn’t know you could step onto solid ground; you never imagined this dream was possible.

You outsider, you stubborn misfit, you hot mess making it up as you go. Deep down you already know who you really are, because you could barely keep up those establishment charades. That’s the truth. There’s no going back with the flow; you’re careening through the deluge, risking everything to try for a little more than just okay.

Until this moment, you belonged with everyone you knew. But not everyone is able to love you now that you’ve decided to stop being the ghost and to start being the god in your machine. Now that you’re braving the storm for your own improbable happy ending.

And Actually, what rule wouldn’t we all break for our chance at that? And Actually, isn’t that what music tells us life is all about?

We sing, we dance, we celebrate ourselves.

And Actually is a musical project born through a songwriting exercise that gave the three contributing members a chance to imagine this brave dream possible.