Dear Friends!

As you know one of the main idea of this project is to give exposure to musicians. The way to do this is featuring them on music of the Another Destiny Project’s album.

Anyway an album doesn’t have only the music… The artwork, the lyrics, the graphics etc… are also part of an album.

And beyond this the video clips that can give exposure to the music or the promotion!

What I want to say is that Another Destiny Project can give space also to artists that want to become part of the project but aren’t musicians. The new album can be a good way to gain exposure and in the same time support something new, alternative, experimental and original!

So if you are a photographer, a painter, a poet, a director etc… (or you know someone that it is) And you think (and I know you think 🙂 ) the Another Destiny Project is a good idea… Join the project!!

Don’t be shy! Go to and send me a message with some words about you and some links to watch your works. Can’t wait to check them and work all together 😉

