Free Whenever has today premiered their new video for the track titled ‘Automobile’. Retrotastic groove overlaid a smooth lounge beat and lead by a surfcaster, I get that vintage southern L.A. vibe with wood paneled vehicles and Gidget on the beach waiting for her next big crush via her asexual guy-train.

What we get here is a lounge fest. A quasi-kitsch salute to the paste with a massive dose of originality and a slight dose of slacker snark that gives Free Whenever as much credibility as they deserve and originality in every note. This is for the cool kids.

About Free Whenever

Free Whenever’s music sits somewhere in between form (saguna) and formlessness (nirguna).

The band’s guiding philosophy and approach to making music is rooted in the ancient practice of long-form improvisation. The result is a unique blend of vintage psychedlia, dub reggae, eastern modality, and African rhythmic tradition that leaves listeners high — fully immersed in a synesthetic sound experience.

Founding members Neil Guleria and Trevor LaVecchia started recording out of their Brooklyn apartment in 2020, covering a range of styles from trip-hop electronica to desert psych rock. As the project took form and its true identity revealed itself, LaVecchia brought his affinity for chordal movement and song structures to the bass while Guleria complimented with melodic and atmospheric layers. Free Whenever’s self-proclaimed “psychedelic groove music” identity is built on their intertwining, conversational bass and guitar melodies over a backbone of Afro-Latin percussion and punchy, hip hop-inspired drums.

From a humble bedroom recording setup, the pair has put out five releases over a two-year period, including Open Air and Jam Junkies, Vol I & II, which garnered attention from a growing worldwide fanbase. Since then, the band has grown to include live contributors Brendan Steuart on drums, Greg Spiropoulos on percussion, and Andrew Trautmann on keys, allowing them to take their music from the streets of Manhattan to world-class venues like the Sultan Room.

Free Whenever’s four-track EP The Movement represents the latest stage in the group’s musical journey. Focused on the core trio of guitar, bass, and drums the EP delivers concentrated psychedelic flavor in a tight catchy package. Its one of many things to come in 2023 from the Psychedelic Groove Factory.