With the current regulations regarding religious liberties under fire in Indiana, Arkansas, and across the nation, EchoLight Studios’ film “One Generation Away” serves as a wakeup call to all concerned with religious freedom.

“One Generation Away” provides a powerful open exchange of ideas regarding religious liberties from viewpoints on both sides of the debate that will equip audiences with knowledge to engage in this important conversation.

Tony Perkins, president of the Washington, D.C.-based Family Research Council, said “One Generation Away” is the “best movie ever made about religious freedom.” The film also was recently awarded the title of “Best Documentary” at the Christian Worldview Film Festival in San Antonio.

“If you don’t have the freedom of religion and the freedom of conscience, then all these other freedoms don’t really stack up to much,” said EchoLight Studios CEO Rick Santorum. “This foundational freedom is for the first time in America under direct assault and we chronicle that in this film.”

“One Generation Away” focuses on seven cases of religious freedom disputes throughout the United States. Each case presents a broad-spectrum view of the issue, and reflects on how the First Amendment, Equal Protection Clause, Free Exercise Clause and Religious Freedom Restoration Act are interpreted and applied.

Over 70 interviews are shown in the film. From politicians, thought-leaders and business men and women to religious leaders and opposing sides of freedom advocates, participants include: The 44th Governor of Arkansas Mike Huckabee; New York Times bestselling author and speaker Eric Metaxas; Executive Director of the Americans United for Separation of Church and State, Barry Lynn; American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Attorney James McElroy; Senior Pastor of Hope Christian Church Bishop Harry R. Jackson Jr.; Freedom From Religion Foundation Co-President Dan Barker; Fox News Host Todd Starnes; President of the Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention Russell Moore; and dozens more.

To learn more about “One Generation Away,” visit http://onegenerationawaymovie.com/.

EchoLight Studios is committed to bringing first-class, redemptive media to the marketplace. The studio produces, directs, funds and distributes faith-based films through its unique distribution model of EchoLight Cinemas.