The Rise of Ronald T. Rump
The Rise of Ronald T. Rump

Jan Needle has written more than 50 books, as well as plays for stage, television, and radio. His thriller Kicking Off was serialized for TV as Underbelly, and several others have also been televised. As well as thrillers, he writes highly acclaimed historical naval fiction and has just finished a third series of novellas based around Nelson’s life.

His early book Wild Wood – an ‘alternative view’ of Kenneth Grahame’s masterpiece Wind in the Willows – is now recognized as a comedy classic spanning every age range in a newly revised edition which enhances Willie Rushton’s superb illustrations. Toad is not the hero, but the original fatcat River Banker, spreading mayhem across the lush English countryside, and provoking a full-scale revolution among the local stoats, ferrets, and weasels. It even contains recipes for ‘Toad in the Hole’ and a good strong country bitter!

Now, as the world watches, America has a choice to make… a choice that has inspired Jan to revist Wild Wood and offer an alternative version of his book, released as an American Election Special in which Toad is re-cast as Ronald T.Rump. Also making their debuts are Clinton and Hillary Weasel, Kirban the humourless leftie stoat, and Herbert Bush-Tadger, who buried himself in the Wild Wood to escape the shame of having a son called Dubya.

The Rise of Ronald T. Rump is released digitally through Amazon on this link: at the insane pre-election price of 99p.

All profits will go to celebration drinks if the right animal wins, or to fund a terminal hangover if not.

Digital Review copies are available on request. The book also comes with it’s own theme tune ‘Wild Wood’ written and performed by folk singer Liz P.

Other early children’s books pushed the age-boundary as well, and move easily into the Young Adult category. Some of them, like My Mate Shofiq and The Bully, are widely considered as outstanding in the genre. Shofiq was runner-up for the Guardian Award, another for the Carnegie Medal, and others have been shortlisted for prizes in several countries. Like the thrillers – Kicking Off, Death Order, Other People’s Blood – they can be pretty uncompromising, although others, like Wagstaffe the Wind-up Boy and The Size Spies, are comic fantasies.

Almost all of Jan’s books push boundaries, and his thriller Death Order, about Hitler’s Deputy Rudolf Hess, brought him into conflict with the secret services, as did his recent novella about the death of frogman Buster Crabb, sent to spy on Russian ships on a ‘goodwill’ visit to Portsmouth at the height of the Cold War. His children’s novel My Mate Shofiq – runner-up for the Guardian Award – is slated to be filmed by Aneel Ahmad next year, although others of his children’s books, like Wagstaffe the Wind-Up Boy and The Size Spies are ‘loopy comic fantasies.’

“Absolutely wonderful”
Willie Rushton

“Not Rushton”
Paul Foot



Also Written By Jan Needle:
In Too Deep –
The Bonus Boys –
Napoleon – The Escape –
Death Order –
Nelson: The Poisoned River –
The Devil’s Luck –
Kicking Off –