Introducing Jonny Blunders, maverick outsider music producer hailing from the quiet corners of Vermont, originally from Manchester, England. Armed with a certain amount of natural Manc-swagger and background as a drummer in bands, Jonny’s musical journey led him to explore the inside of studios and the realms of drum machines, samplers, scratching, and DJing.

With his talent taking him on global tours, he eventually settled in Brooklyn NYC, but fate dealt a blow in 2012 when Hurricane Sandy swept away his entire vinyl collection and music gear. However, amidst the wreckage emerged an unyielding spirit as Jonny salvaged his cherished Roland 808, relocated to Vermont and rekindled his love for music production. Now creating and releasing his unique blend of Northern Soulful B-Boy beat’s, expect nothing less than further captivating creativity from this resilient and original artist.

SOURCE: Official Bio