- Major Jones Major Kami 4:06
- Coco Dancing Major Kami 3:23
Major Kami has released her new single titled ‘Major Jones’. Surrounded by that special originality that only comes with the future mega-acts that make indie great, Major Kami creates a bookend for ‘Coco Dancing’ and an answer for Major Tom with a sonc documentation of a lucid dream dreamed by a dreamer.
About Major Kami
Who can speak of David Bowie better than Major Jones ! Camille Miller, a Canadian born singer, songwriter and composer based in Singapore, has worked extensively in the studio, but long before that Camille grew up on military bases in Canada, making a habit of leaving almost as quickly as she arrived! Discovering that she likes to be left alone, a form of comfort appeared, giving her the urge to compose and write her first songs.
Recently, in 2019, she released an EP entitled “Building Stream”. A soulful blues / pop musical atmosphere that comes close to the sounds of Bonnie Raitt / Stevie Nicks.
Then in 2021, other compositions, in a completely different register, co-written with producer/rapper Hangi Tavakoli, inspired by bands such as Gorillaz and Bjork. Her desire to move when creating is permanent, she says: “When I write music, I do it while pacing. Running also allows me to think of something new. I love to run and I find the process very therapeutic… It gives me hope and allows me to think positively about most things.
Apart from music she is passionate about her family and the sheer pleasure of staying active. During the confinement, being unable to perform live and with an uncommon open mindedness, Camille discovered on the net the surprising project of DAMde8. After many exchanges and a particular listening of the songs in construction shared by Denis Expert (Producer/Co-author/Co-Composer) and Dan Burkhart (Composer/Arranger/Sound engineer), she falls under the charm of this crazy project and of this bubbling artistic movement.
This was the start of an incredible collaboration and the launch of their first alternative electro-pop album inspired by the life of David Bowie!
A big rethink was to take place, her voice was to take on a different, more decisive form by bringing in bass that she had never used. A revelation! By joining this international event, Camille decided to change her skin. From then on, she will be “Major Kami”.
This double AA side ‘Major Jones’ and ‘Coco Dancing’ is the latest release taken from the album.