Negro Terror has today premiered their new single titled ‘Shots Fired’. At its very finest, music challenges the fabric of our society. Great songs ask us to rethink our political ties and cut loose what doesn’t lead to a better world. In these divided days, punk offers the perfect soundtrack for our collective angst. Memphis hardcore band Negro Terror issues a call-to-action on their newest single, “Shots Fired.”

A staple of the Memphis scene for years, Negro Terror have regrouped after the loss of their beloved singer Omar Higgins in 2019. Higgins was memorialized with a David, Jareef Greene, and a handful of drummers (but most prominently Casey the Legend) have decided to carry on their friend’s legacy and continue to release music. Channeling the rage and hope of 2020, Negro Terror is continuing to travel, write, and record hardcore music deeply influenced by reggae.

In just under two and a half minutes, “Shots Fired” is a punk masterpiece. From blast beats to heavy grooves, Negro Terror engages mind, body, and soul in a frenzy of distorted sound. The guitars are rich and full, with sustained chords giving way to heavy chugs. As the lyrics offer reflection after reflection on the violence and waste of modern life, you can’t help but want to join in the repeated refrain of “Shots fired / who will be next?” This is emotional hardcore – music that challenges us to look inward and outward simultaneously.

Negro Terror are asking us to look at the devastation around us and be better versions of ourselves. Every line asks us to witness the world exactly as it is. And while it may be painful and awful, the answer is solidarity with our fellow humans. The song ends with the lines, “They don’t want to see us united / just bloodstained streets completely divided.” At the end of all this, all we have is each other. “Shots Fired” is the prophetic jolt of truth we need in these devastating days.