Oxford Style was formed by singer / songwriter Paul Nicholson after he could no longer contain his loathing for himself and humanity. Oxford Style combine melodic pop, piano-led cabaret and heavy guitar riffs to create music that is both elegant and aggressive. All of this combined with a pinch of British humour and, of course …..style.

New single “Halcyon Days” is an art rock “I- want-you-back” song but for the most selfish and narcissistic reasons. This is the follow up single to debut “Salo” (30th June 2014) which had solid support from Artrocker, Frank Skinner on Absolute Radio, Amazing Radio, Live 4 Evers “New Tunes Highlight”, Digital Fix’s “Single of the Week”, Rock Britain, SupaJam and Exploding Head Syndrome.

Oxford Styles releases are accompanied by a series of self- produced videos to be released throughout 2014, which have already premiered on Artrocker. New music video “Halcyon Days” is a simple blue tinged dramatic piano ballad and was shot entirely on VHS.

Oxford Style Live – Wednesday August 27th 2014 at Paper Dress Vintage, London

I think I may have a new favourite artist “ – Exploding Head Syndrome (June 14)

I do absolutely love it. It is just well crafted alternative pop music” – Digital Fix (June 14)


Online PR: 1-2-hear – Clare Tucker – e: clare@1-2-hear.com m: 07900 452 378