RT’s feature Trauma is nominated in the Domestic Current Affairs Documentary category. The film tells the story of the humanitarian crisis in Donetsk in eastern Ukraine and the work of a local ambulance station. The footage was filmed during the second half of January 2015, when the city was subject to almost daily shelling. Medics and volunteers worked day and night to provide aid not only to the hurt civilian population, but also to captured Ukrainian military personnel.

RT host and senior political correspondent Anissa Naouai, who was this year’s winner at the New York Festivals, is a finalist in the International TV Personality category. Anissa has reported from over 80 locations across the globe during her 10 years at RT. She covered protests in Tunisia, the murder of the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, and multiple G20 and BRICS summits. She has also interviewed key political figures including former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and ex-Secretary-General of NATO Anders Fogh Rasmussen. The third season of Anissa Naouai’s current affairs commentary program In the Now will premiere in October.

RT Arabic’s show Pulse of the Future made it into the finals of the Science Programmes competition. The nominated episode is dedicated to the construction of the Moscow underground, known to be one of the world’s most architecturally-impressive and ornate subway systems.

Other nominees for the AIBs 2015 include works by CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera, CCTV, Sky News, Euronews, France 24, Channel 4, DW and other broadcasters from around the world.

The AIB annual International Media Excellence Awards are currently in their 10th year. Awards are given out across 17 nominations. The ceremony will take place on November 4, 2015 in London. The Association for International Broadcasting (AIB) is a non-governmental, not-for-profit organization founded in 1993. It is headquartered in the United Kingdom with offices throughout Europe, Asia and the Middle East. AIB represents and supports international television and radio broadcasters and has over 25,000 media outlets among its members.

RT is a global news network that broadcasts 24/7 in English, Arabic and Spanish from its studios in Moscow, Washington, DC, and London. It is available to 700 million viewers worldwide. RT is the most watched TV news network on YouTube with more than 2.5 billion views. RT is the winner of the Monte Carlo TV Festival Awards for best 24-hr broadcast, and the only Russian TV channel to garner three nominations for the prestigious International Emmy Award for News.