Rutherford Royal has today premiered his new song titled ‘Back Burner’. Immediately welcoming from that first original guitar lick and giving you that dark yet encompassing grip that the music gives you. You feel a part of the music. A soundtrack for the moment. Take from that what you will but, I dare you to hit play and see if I’m wrong.

Musically it’s hard to pin this song to a specific genre. But, in a way, isn’t that the hidden purpose for ‘Back Burner’? Question what a genre is? Don’t we all secretly have Metallica sitting next to Duran Duran in some of our playlists? We are more than the sum of our songs. Let Rutherford Royal break the sum of your mind.

About Rutherford Royal

Hailing from the barrier islands of South Carolina, Andrew Christopher Rutherford Royal has a deep connection with the land and embodies a non-traditionalist’s interpretation of the eastern South. He writes Southern Gothic cameos which he weaves into often dark, Indie Americana. After writing and curating the works for an album he records and mixes the music for Rutherford Royal (as well as other artists) in his remote cabin studio overlooking a hidden waterfall in southern Tennessee.