Savile Row has today released their new video for the track titled ‘Got Away’. Drenched in an urban suburban mixed and mashed mashup of peace, love and melody, Savile Row delve into the hook face first and influences up with a cathartic release of influence and style that lends to the notion that modern artists can still have a voice and be the influence themselves.

About Savile Row & ‘Got Away’

Savile Row continue to focus on evolution. An evolution of sound, style, and a reluctance to be forced into any one single genre.

Earlier recordings by the band feature a barrage of artists that the group brought in due for the love of their output. This included collaborations with Chubb Rock, Princess Superstar, Kool Keith, Open Mike Eagle, Vast Aire (Cannibal Ox), Craig G (Juice Crew), Brad Fishcetti (LFO), and Sadat X (Brand Nubian).

More recently, the group have taken to a singular creative approach, forging more as a three man group as opposed to working on regular collaborations, (although there are still more on the horizon!)

Savile Row continue down the road of using Pop, HipHop, Dance and Rock elements to create a unique soundscape that is honest, catchy and soulful. Their vision has always been as a musical force able to blend all various styles that the members grew up listening to.

Their latest single “Got Away” is continued evidence of this ideal. The narrative is somewhat self-depricating, coming from the point of view of a person trying to change, but also aware that some people from their past might have ‘dodged a bullet’ by removing themselves from that person’s life.

An immersive beat paired with acoustic guitar licks provides a backbone, paving the way to a Boombap-esq self aware set of verses, chorus and hook that are both thought provoking but to the point.

The track was recorded and mixed by Marc Karmatz at Insane Sounds in Fort Lauderdale, FL and was written and produced by Savile Row. The single represents one of the final releases that will come out prior to the group’s debut full length “Toast the Journey” due out in late 2024.

They are also working on a special release collaboration with Pop legend Tiffany that will be released prior to the album.