Tag: Aliens


Daily Dose: Aliens – Lockdown

Aliens began life as a songwriting project in 2016. As terrorist attacks continued around the world, Syria descended into chaos, the Brexit storm broke, and Trump slouched towards the White House like Auden’s rough...

First Listen: Aliens – Turned To Flame

Songwriting collectives are often creative melting pots in and of themselves, but when that melting pot includes the ingredients Tima May and Iain Harvie among others, that melting pot becomes volcanic. Check out this...

Jammerzine’s The Week in #Indie for 4/15/2019

Premieres from LUCKYANDLOVE, Aliens, Beauty in Chaos, Ernest Moon, Skyfever, Slowness, The Nile Deltas, Us3r, and Vandebilt. LINK: https://jammer.direct/jammerzines-the-week-in-indie-for-4-15-2019

First Listen: Aliens – Long Way To Run

Since September 2016, Aliens potent mix of Alt Rock, Pop hooks and politically engaged social commentary has been firing up live audiences, reviewers and DJ’s across the UK. Long Way to Run is the...