Aliens began life as a songwriting project in 2016. As terrorist attacks continued around the world, Syria descended into chaos, the Brexit storm broke, and Trump slouched towards the White House like Auden’s rough beast, the themes crystallized. And we decided to broaden our focus.

Director, Gary Birch came on board, along with motion designers Andy Rogers and Tom Huxley, photographers Andrew Ogilvy and Karen Stowe, editor, Phil O’Dea, and graphic designer, Kitty MacColl. Helen Turner from Style Council and Paul Weller’s band added her keyboard magic, and NY based DOP, Alex Corn, and photographer Jacob Quesenberry joined the fray to shoot another film in Harlem. Fresh from working with Jessie Ware and Jungle, Musical Director and guitarist, Fraser MacColl, also stepped in to co-write some new songs, and power up the live band, followed by Shriekback’s Martyn Barker on drums, guitarist Tommy Sheen and The Bible’s Leroy Lendor on bass.

At every stage, each member of the team took what we were doing and worked their own magic to bring it alive in a fresh way. But none of us could have predicted that even the most outlandish products of our combined imaginations would be outstripped almost daily by the repulsive barbarism of Trump’s presidency, the horrors of more brutal terrorist attacks, and the turbulence of the UK and European politics.

Creative collaboration has been the hallmark of Aliens and we hope to inspire more. If you like what you see, follow the team’s links to their own sites. If you like what you hear, do the old-fashioned thing and buy the songs. That way, you’ll have something to remind you of these strange and troubling times and perhaps help you celebrate the fact that we’re still here.

SOURCE: Official Bio