Tag: Josh Altfater

    Jammerzine’s The Week in #Indie for 4/26/2021

    Jammerzine’s The Week in #Indie for 4/26/2021

    In this episode of Jammerzine's The Week in #Indie, we feature video premieres from Dope Sagittarius, Ernest Moon, Hongza, Madisyn Whajne, and Pentral plus Jammerzine Exclusive interviews from Tombstones In Their Eyes and Josh...
    Josh Altfater from Southwood Studios

    Jammerzine Exclusive: An Interview with Josh Altfater from Southwood Studios

    Today we have an interview that is a lesson. A lesson not only to those just starting out in the music business, but a lesson in how to record your music, and make it better. This interview is with Josh Altfater.