Music Malt is pleased to announce the winners of the first edition of Music Malt Online Fest. Over 300 entries were received from around the world, and three entries emerged as winners.

The complete list of winners –
Beautiful by Nez Erok (Australia) won in the ‘Song of Substance’ category. This category recognizes music videos with a strong social message.
Heads or Tails by Kate Isenberg (USA) won in The Dream Weaver category. This category recognizes animated music videos.
Hang Me on the Line by Lu Pulici (Norway) won the Creative Genius award for being the most creative video.

Apart from the winning videos, ten other entries have received Special Mention in this contest.

Powered by Eastern Fare Music Foundation, MMOF is an online music festival seeking original compositions in English and Hindi, and instrumentals.

Music Malt is an initiative of the Bangalore based music organisation Eastern fare Music Foundation. The website is aimed at discovering, encouraging and promoting independent musicians from around the world. It promotes gigs, music festivals and competitions, and independent artists creating original compositions.

Music Malt and Eastern Fare congratulates all the winners, and thanks the participants of this contest for their support and enthusiasm.

Nez Erok – Beautiful

Kate Isenberg – Heads or Tails

Lu Pulicic – Hang Me On The Line