The upcoming release titled ‘I In The Centre Of Pride’ ‘ will be the first single taken from Luna Rosa’s new E.P which is due to be released in October 2019 in physical and online form. It boasts an impressive array of sounds, ideas, and emotions that take the band to new levels. Already being described as “Panoramic thought evoking music”, “Hungry from start to finish” & “Nihilistic British Punk”. This Single marks the start of a powerful course.

Given no hope and no future. Preyed upon by inhumane powers; we watch friends snatched in the pinnacle of their youth to complete merciless acts in foreign lands with no right or reason. They come back changed, deranged, empty, chaotic…lost. That’s if they’re lucky enough to return. No soul left intact. Warmongers and country leaders alike sit comfortable, consciously rejecting all notion of pain and turmoil; just as long as the conveyor belt of young lives keeps moving and their pockets are lined. No reprimand No justice.

SOURCE: Official Bio