Stage and film actor and composer, working at Odeon Theatre Bucharest. Projects: music for theatre plays and movies, quartzet (personal quartet violin, cello, electric guitar, and bass guitar), Shakespeare’s Phonnets(personal musical project on sonnets)

Romanian 44 yo actor, mostly stage actor, studied violin as a child, after that I started to learn to play different instruments. Once in awhile I pick up a new one and try to discover it by myself. 8 years ago I’ve started this project of mine, Shakespeare’s Phonnets (kind of a history with the name). At this moment I have written only 8 phonnets from all 154 Shakespeare’ sonnets. Hope to live enough to write them all (one of the goals in my life). My musical influences are so “blended” it’s hard for me to tell.

Generally, I like melody, I believe this (together with harmony) and nothing else, was, is, and will be “the” music, no matter our times now or ever. Musical influences: classical music, church, national folklore music (Balkanic-Romanian), 80’s pop-rock which I grew up with, I listen to anything and when in the mood try to write down something new. So, one of my projects (the biggest one) is Shakespeare’s 154 Phonnets, which I wish to be eclectic in style; another one is music for theatre plays, right now I’m working on a musical based on a classic medieval book; try to define my “invented” quartzet music (violin, cello, el bass, and el guitar – another project of mine – “quartz” is from the two el instruments).

SOURCE: Official Bio