Classy Silhouette has released her new video for the track titled ‘Disrespectful’. From a slow burn mixed with a fast wit, you get 4:39 of classy originality mixed with the drive of someone who will never quit. ‘Disrespectful’ garners all the respect with a simple swagger that exposes the drive of a musical mastermind. Classy has found her sound long ago and is waiting for you to ingest it. Take it in and gravitate to this. Become ‘respectful’.

About Classy Silhouette

Classy Silhouette is a multi faceted artist who has been on a musical journey since she released her first self written and self produced album in 2009. She has shown her versatility as she has visited many genres of music on her creative journey. She has written and produced RnB, Dance/House music, Pop, and now in 2021 she has somehow found herself in the world of Hip Hop.

Classy Silhouette is more than just an independent artist. She is a female singer, songwriter, producer, rapper, and CEO of her own independent label/production company. Classy Silhouette LLC. Classy Silhouette has developed and released another female artist who she has released joint Hip Hop projects with and even produced an entire solo album for.

Classy Silhouette’s mission is to provide a safe haven for female artists to be able to pursue their music careers. Her latest project release is the WIB Mafia album which is far from what one would consider a normal release from Classy Silhouette.

WIB Mafia stands for Women In Black Making All Females Independent Allies. On this album Classy Silhouette shows the world a side of herself no one would imagine. On this album Classy Silhouette is a female gangster. After being bullied in the music industry Classy Silhouette decided to show the world how tough she really is.

On this album she stands her ground as an independent artist and represents females in the music industry by demanding her respect.

The latest track from the WIB Mafia by Classy Silhouette that is being pushed is Disrespectful. This song shows her rapping skills while maintaining her soulfulness when she sings the hook.