Have you listened to a podcast today? Statistics say that millions of people have downloaded and listened to a podcast, today.

It’s taken 10 years, but the podcast, a digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading or streaming to a computer or portable media player is ready to have its moment in the sun; or should we say, cyberspace?

“September 30th will be a day to celebrate podcast producers, a day to celebrate podcast consumers,” said Steve Lee, founder of NetCast Studio, a leading podcast network. “We need a day that we can educate the world about the wonders of podcasting.”

What Lee is saying isn’t just his opinion, it’s a fact. As more and more mainstream broadcasters and celebrities start releasing podcasts, the market is booming and the download numbers don’t lie. The entertainment system in the car you will be driving in as early as two years will be able to stream podcasts. Airlines have already stocked their “inflight entertainment” options with various podcasts flyers can listen to at 34,000 feet.

Lee says podcasting strikes a chord with him.
“It’s like being in the early days of TV and Radio, but also it has provided an avenue to create audio and video information, education and entertainment, which can’t be found through traditional media.”

National Podcast Day is dedicated to promoting podcasting worldwide through public education and social media engagement.

Currently, there are approximately 250,000 unique podcasts, broadcast in more than 100 languages and more than 8 million episodes have been published in the iTunes Store.
It is thought that as podcasting becomes a more integral aspect of entertainment, education and self expression, the public needs to be familiar with the term and know what they are. This is where where National Podcast Day comes in.

Lee says with just about everyone carrying a smartphone, listening to podcasts has never been easier.

“Consumers now can listen to shows while at the gym, mowing the lawn or driving to work. Soon, you will be able to listen to you favorite shows built right into you car’s audio system with Apple’s Car Play or Stitcher Radio.”

NationalPodcastDay.com has been set up, not only as a resource, but also as a site where current podcasters, listeners or anyone curious about podcasting can go and learn about the industry and get the word out about this broadcast medium.

Most of all, remember that podcasting is meant to be both educational and fun.

Lee and his team want everyone to go out and spread the word; National Podcast Day is September 30. Social Media Hashtag: #podcastday