Season One, Episode One of Trial 2020 airs September 11th, 2014 on its home site via its Thousand Ton Productions YouTube Channel

We spoke with Writer/Producer Abraham Doe.

What is Trial 2020 About?
It’s a made-for-TV drama-comedy trying to depict America’s struggle with the definitions of “right” and “wrong.” It is intended to be a long-running set of episodes in which case after case, laden with social/moral implications, finds its way into federal court. The court’s decisions by default begin to impact the US social and moral fabric.

What type of court?
The cases come before a Federal District court located in New York. This is the lowest level of federal court. There are 94 federal district courts. Decisions made in these courts are often appealed to the next higher court, which are US Appeals Courts. By 2020, Trial 2020 is taking place in US Appeals Courts. The one court above that, which is presently out of scope, is the US Supreme Court.

Why the court room setting?
It is a logical, safe place to air two sides of a given story – sanely and unemotionally. Or at least emotions can be managed. It is also a safer place to be when the topics are incendiary and highly-controversial like many of the Trial 2020 cases will be.

Can we have a hint as to some of the cases we will see?
Well, in Episode One the introduction of a case around the sport of boxing is made. Should there be less versus more regulation around the safety of the sport, or as a Congressman says in Episode One, should “grown adults be told what to do?” I should say Episode One airing 9-11 will be a shorter episode. We did not want to go to far before getting some public reaction to the tenor and flow of what we are trying to do. Another case will involve bigamy.

How many seasons or episodes are expected?
The first six episodes of Trial 2020 are all between pre-production and release. Episodes seven through twelve are being primed for entry into pre-production. We will be making further assessments as episodes are released.

What is the release plan?
Of course, a shorter Episode One, is freely released Sept 11. We really hope to get public feedback on it. We will be announcing the release plans for Episodes 2 through 6 not very long after September 11th.

Are all actors and actresses aboard for Episodes 2 through 12?
All cast is set through episode 6. We will announce auditions for the additional cast that will be needed when we move to producing Episodes 7 through 12.

How are things looking with the cast presently aboard?
Trial 2020 has attracted some of the Phoenix area’s best talent. Some of the cast is also somewhat new to film. So there are some cases where cast is hitting the ground running and some where some cast development is needed.

What is the cast of Episode One?
Stan Sessoms, “Jerry Maguire (1996),” and Mitch Etter were in the attempted pilot (2013), and have returned to Season One. They both kick off Episode One. We also have Arlienne Scofield, Sylvia Romero, Matthew Lenzi, Melissa Ann Farley, James Brunhuber Sr, Terry Wright, Charles Nemec, Josh Schwartz, Alexzander Rodgers, Adal Robles, Marc DeCrosta, Jessica Daniels, Sharon Bohm, Kunle Ransom, The Ransom’s children Alexis, Aidan and Amare, Takashi Sato, Stella Diamond, EricAnimal Rane, Maryam Nalbandian and Dane Schaefges kicking off Episode One.

What production team is Anno Domini LLC using for Trial 2020?
Global Phenomz Marketing Entertainment Group, where Mr. Christian Phyfier is CEO, is producing Season One. The talent from Global Phenomz are Angie Racine, President of Production, as Cinematographer and Editor. On her team are Maggie Buchert, Camera, and Madison “Madi” Nedved, Audio. Handling Make-Up have been Susana Duenas and Michelle Aranda.

Who is assisting directly under Anno Domini LLC?
Jacqueline Sessoms as Production Assistant on Episode One, Angie Morrissey handling Social Media Marketing, Brianna Doe providing Script Supervising.

Any theatre plans?
We looking at being in a Phoenix/Scottsdale Area theatre by the Christmas season.

What’s moving you to create this?
On one hand it’s a prelude to a future feature-length film called Anno Domini. On another hand, America is great, but, not perfect. America is also relatively young. There are civilizations that have existed thousands of years. There is a scripture that says “pride goeth before destruction…” Hopefully in some small way Trial 2020 will draw America’s attention back to an increased respect for and reliance on its original source of ‘higher guidance’ and to the question ‘how in the first place did we come to know what was “right” and what was “wrong”‘