93449-Johnny_Reed_on_Stage“Third Time’s a Charm” was released 11/1/2015, is Johnny Reed’s 5th album release. Johnny’s releases are “Solo albums in their purest form”. On all Five (5) albums Johnny’s doing everything, writing all the songs, doing all the vocals & playing all the instruments. Johnny Reed calls his one man band “The Johnny Reed Show”. Johnny’s first 2 albums were Hard Rock as front man for his delusional group, “RAWK DAWG”.

Johnny channels the emotion of classic rock greats like, Paul McCartney, Crosby Stills & Nash, Tom Petty, Elton John, Phil Collins and the philosophic consciousness of Bob Dylan, and is capturing the current Pop Rock Music FANS of Taylor Swift & Bruno Mars.

The Songs are story songs of Life, whatever Johnny wants to sing about. On “Third Time’s a Charm”, Johnny stretches his musical wings further, and flies through relationships, social issues and life’s challenges. The project was recorded throughout 2015 in THE MUSIC ROOM STUDIOS ® in Redondo Beach, California, USA.

SOURCE: Official Bio
