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82169-LucienA musical product of a spiritual awakening in Germany, singer/songwriter Lucien Dante became aware of his ability to understand others through self-discovery and his aspirations to create, at a young age.

Fitting into the genre categories of pop, alternative, R&B, and acoustic, Dante can easily be comparable to the likes of James Blake and Bon Iver – artists he is often inspired by. His sources of inspirations aren’t only rooted in artists he enjoys, but also in the environment surrounding him. A keen-observer, Dante notes that he’s always been attentive to mastering his craft. Though a skilled pianist and guitarist, most of his attentiveness rests in focusing on his voice. For Dante, he has cultivated his voice by recording himself and unfolding his voice’s textures and the textures’ resonance, rather than relying on listening to his inspirations and attempting to mimic – he’s an individual, reverberating with uniqueness.

During a semester off from Bard College, Dante had a chance encounter that would prove critical to his success. Dante first met Markus Pabst, the founder of an artist group, Base Berlin during that semester off and the two became fast friends. Pabst grew to adore Dante’s music, most specifically, his song “We Are Her Children,” which Dante now dedicates to Pabst. After the two hit it off, Pabst placed Dante in his variety show called David Pereira’s Trip, which occurred at the Berlin Wintergarten Theatre. Following that performance, two producers from the Teddy Awards not only discovered Dante, but also invited him to perform at the Teddy Awards. He later performed at the awards ceremony in Berlin, in February 2014, which Dante recalls has been his “biggest show so far.” The Teddy Awards described Dante by exclaiming, “Beauty is in hit hart: In Lucien Dante’s work, poetry fuses with dreamlike piano tones. The young Chicago artist puts refreshing soul in his music and sends audiences on a descent into another world.”

The creative journey of Lucien Dante is not Dante’s, but yours as well. It is a journey of promised adventure, self-discovery, learning how to love, and hope.

SOURCE: Official Bio