99175-Able_To_Enable_Album_CoverSecond Adam and the New Creations is the organic offspring of a very specific church ministry. I’d like to thank Jon Forster who asked me to assembly and lead a band for a college age outreach service he was putting together that would last for 10 consecutive weeks where we’d perform on Saturday Nights. When Jon asked me in mid-December of 2013 if I’d form a band for these events what He didn’t know was that I was already on the hunt for good quality and sound Christian music in the genre of my liking. I remember discovering and falling in love with new artists via Spotify and worshiping the Lord to new music. Not being able to contain it, the joy of the Lord was overflowing in my life and I had a growing desire to write new music to the Lord and surrender my gift to Him. So the timing couldn’t have been better, once my wife was on board my answer to Jon was an emphatic yes! It turns out that many of those bands’ songs that I was finding on Spotify became the very foundation by which Second Adam and the New Creations learned to play along together. We covered bands like Ascend the Hill, Citizens, Modern Post and Kenosis before starting to learn originals.

Up until this point I had always been somewhat of a worship backup “leader” in our church, filling in on Sundays when needed. In years past I also “led” a worship team for several years in our church youth group. I would always draw from what was in the church song book, sometimes introducing whatever new song that came along through the radio or youth conferences that I liked. As I mature in the Lord and grow in wisdom I’ve learned that the language in everything is most critical. “Leadership” is worldly language and leaders are not sought in scripture, disciples are. It is better for me to say that by my faith in Christ and service to Him does He lead this band. I will teach others to do the same, to serve the Lord and be led by Him for in this way He remains on the throne of our hearts, protecting us from making an idol of this band. It belongs to Him.

Rachel Bovee is our lead singer and her voice is well suited for the position. She serves the Lord alongside all of us in the band in every practice and in every performance. I currently manage the band, play rhythm guitar and supporting vocals. I also write the original songs or bring the concept of the songs to the practice and the band works collectively to mold them together from there. Tim Smajda plays the Keys and Lead Guitar. He is an asset to the song creation process and has an exceptional ear for what works and what doesn’t across all instruments. Jordan Scotti is our bass player and my fellow metal head, his fingers prove to be too fast and I laugh as he’s challenged to slow down to play some of our more mellow songs. Ben Bovee (also a fellow metal head), Rachel’s brother is our drummer and I value his skill and the enthusiasm he brings to each practice and performance. All of these are my brothers and sister in Christ and it is a pleasure to serve the Lord together with them.

Looking forward to Second Adam and the New Creations is exciting! I’ve written this bio prior to our 1st Saturday Night Performance (mainly because I can’t sleep) My hope is that after th10-weekek conferences Second Adam has at least 4 solid originals down to take with them to other opportunities as they arise. By the end of 2014 I’d like to professionally record our 1st Album.

SOURCE: Official Bio
