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Svavar KnúturNovember
  1. November Svavar Knútur

The gentle but strangely coarse and decadent Troubadour Svavar Knútur’s roots lie in the eastern and northern fjords of Iceland, known for their respective melancholic poetry and rugged gruffness. Svavar Knútur summons his inner demons and outer storms to reflect upon the existential crises and frolicking joys of modern day rustic fjord dwelling folks.

In perfect harmony with his vocation as a lifelong nonconformist, ever dismantling myths and post-colonial gentle-savage stereotypes about his “elfish and magical” people and country, the eclectic musician has in recent years blossomed into a serene and sublime singer and songwriter. Knutur’s songs of misery and redemption deliver a healthy dose of hope in the midst of despair. A humorous storyteller and avid diver into the murky waters of the human condition, Svavar Knútur, sows and reaps a fitting mixture of art and entertainment.

SOURCE: Official Bio