The Metal Byrds is the brainchild of both Suzanne Birdie and Slye Ry Dovey. Both members were performing in other bands at the same time. On one lucky night thanks to a mutual friend, Suzanne sat in on guitarist Sly Rye’s rehearsal with his band. He asked Suzanne to sing any song and she began singing Sweet Child O’ Mine. It wasn’t long after that she actually joined his band and began performing with them. However, as things go, the band was having line up issues and both Slye Ry and Suzanne decided they should create their own project together.

Working on songs in the months after paved the way for The Song Byrd EP, and later their “Double Crossed” and “Relentless” single releases. Their catalog of releases along with “Magik” are all a testament to where they are at with their sound right now.

SOURCE: Official Bio