The birth of trash. stems from its two members influence as songwriters. It all started when Michael Olivier and Kayleigh Gustkey met while attending recording school in Greeley CO eight years ago. Shortly after meeting, the two put together a punk rock outfit and over time they duo became familiar with writing songs together. Ultimately, they each had different career goals and eventually drifted apart until January 2018 (hence the EP title).

Complete with the ending of a five-year relationship, moving across the country (to Atlanta) and back, and a realignment of both career and friends, Gustkey, going through this major transitional period, decided to give Olivier a call. With a goal of using her experiences to write new songs, the two began recording ideas and sending them back and forth to each other via email.

Now with both of them living in Colorado currently, things have opened up and being able to work in the same room changed everything. It wasn’t long before the January EP was born and the record is a testament to where they are at with their sound right now.

SOURCE: Official Bio