1. Break The Ice Doctor Lincoln 4:26

Neurodivergent artist Lincoln emerged in India’s underground music scene with the alternate/Avante-Garde band Once Chosen in 2008. The band released a moderately successful EP ‘Superliminal’ via their Reverbnation page in 2009 disbanding soon after.

Post-2009, amidst relocating between various cities and his hometown, he decided to take his music in a solo direction. Doctor Lincoln started writing songs that would eventually become his debut album ‘Wallflower’ released on 14th May 2016.

A former Cardiac surgeon who was diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome in 2018, the artist quit his practice to pursue music production full-time. The doctor-turned-musician created an awareness campaign in 2021 for the inclusion of individuals with autism in India’s music industry.

SOURCE: Official Bio
