Alex Softley releases his new track titled ‘People Watching’. Let me start off by saying that Alex is a varied and textured singer. He has also found the style that suits him best. This song starts as a slow build to an exciting climax but does it with the subtle pace of an experienced writer. The actual sound of the song is also something of note because it has an almost cinematic underlying tone mixed with the guitars, which add the color to the track, in my opinion. Think U2 meets the ‘Twenties’ in regards to the overall feeling of ‘People Watching’ but remember Alex Softley for the originality.

‘People Watching’ releases today (January 24, 2020).

I took a moment on the morning commute to look around at people’s faces. Everyone around me had their eyes to the floor with a depressed look on their face. They all seemed unhappy about going to work and joining the rat race. And then as soon as it was their stop and the doors opened, that depressive look almost turned into anger as they tried to get off the tube as quickly as possible, pushing past others. I wondered what could be that important. At the end of the day, I had a quick glance at the people around me, and it was a similar scenario but this time more focused around their mobile phone, trying to get that hit of dopamine to make themselves feel good. I realized that I was also guilty of everything I’d seen to some extent and that’s the effect that a big city can have on us all, without even realizing it. It focuses on what busy London and stressful jobs can do to people’s mental health and I think more needs to be done to support people. Part of the inspiration for the song without realizing it at the time was from that famous interview with Simon Sinek on millennials at work. I’d watched that video prior to writing the song.
– Alex Softley

About Alex Softley

Alex Softley is a singer-songwriter based in South London. After the release of his debut single ‘Walk By The Riverside’ in 2018, Alex quickly headlined the O2 Academy Islington. With personal stories entwined in Alex’s musical narratives, his output contains strikingly catchy melodies that create atmospheric live shows. Alex has previously supported artists such as Billy Lunn and the Subways – who Alex played to death as a teenager.

His latest release People Watching is written about the day-to-day commute and the stresses of the everyday. Penned whilst riding the London underground, the narrative discusses the blank expressions and silent phone watchers of the tube.

Alex’s next live outing will be the quarterfinals of the Isle Of Wight New Blood competition at the Underbelly in Hoxton on the 14th of Feb. Promoted by Hot Vox, Alex will be competing for a slot at the Isle Of Wight festival 2020.