Bear Witness delivers a beautiful and powerful track in the form of ‘Tokyo’s Ruin’, premiering today. a mix of lush and grinding, the track offers a solid guitar-driven rock hard punch to the ears with just enough peaceful transitions to keep the listener guessing. The song does a few transitions that, while normally may not fit well as they break up the overall mood of the song, fits perfectly here. We have an almost emotional roller-coaster ride from melancholy to angst and back again in a story-like fashion that really encapsulates the feeling of the music and underscores the road-worn vocals. A master-craft level song and a lesson in music.

About Bear Witness

Formed by 2 young brothers in 2014, Matt and Alex Georgiou had always played and written music together. Bear Witness was born out of a desire to make music that had a sole focus on strong songwriting and expression. So many bands make songs without the desire to craft something really special. We want to write songs as good as our heroes have. Songs that make you feel, songs that make you dance, songs that we can look back on in 10 years or so and be proud to have created them. We are a powerful trio that specializes in integrating soulful melodies with monstrous rhythms.

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Our influences range from Queens of the Stone Age, Kings of Leon, Muse and Jeff Buckley. We had an unavoidable hiatus due to university commitments in 2016, but following the addition of bassist Liam Mead to the lineup in late 2017, we returned with our debut EP ‘Dreams of Fame’. Our new single ‘Perfect Living’ was out in April 2019 and our sophomore EP ‘DAWN’ will be released this summer.

Deep down this is all fueled by a desire to make as much beautiful noise as possible. Music with some genuine meaning and soul that lifts you when you’re down; but can also make you feel great even when you’re not in need of picking up.