Kevin Preston (Prima Donna, Green Day) has released a taste of his upcoming EP titled ‘Caprice’, dropping on January 21, 2022.

The old school becomes the new cool with this all-too-short preview of things to come with this triple track EP that harkens back to the days when cars looked like spaceships and Elvis was physically fit. What I hear so far is music from someone who is not only a consummate musician and artist but a valid musical historian. Kevin knows his mentors and knows how they thought and felt and makes that a part of who he is musically. Bringing the rock gods of the past into his rock god present.

Check out our other features with Kevin Preston and Prima Donna HERE.

About Kevin Preston & ‘Caprice’

‘Caprice’ EP is a hot shot of new-old-stock rock’n’roll that rolls as much as it rocks; strolls as much as it struts, and shuffles as much as it stomps.


First listen: Kevin Preston - Caprice
‘Caprice’ cover.
  1. Caprice
  2. Close My Eyes
  3. I Know Where I Stand

This true blue rocker hails from the San Fernando Valley, just across the railroad tracks from Tinseltown. Kevin cut his teeth in the early 2000s as a teenager playing guitar in a revamped lineup of original 70’s-era Los Angeles punks The Skulls. Then he started up the rock group Prima Donna, moving to centre stage as lead singer. Prima Donna toured relentlessly, slowing down only to knock out a few records along the way and strike up a band-romance with Green Day who took them on tour a few times.

That connection led to Kevin joining forces on guitar with Green Day front-man Billie Joe Armstrong on two side-hustle bands over the years; Foxboro Hot Tubs (in 2008) and The Longshot (in 2018). In 2019, Kevin joined the Green Day band as touring guitarist/backing vocalist.