JeGong has today released their new album titled ‘The Complex Inbetween’ via Pelagic Records. Artists like these always enthrall me. The get me with that first note because I never know where it’s going. Sometimes those results are bad, sometimes good, and sometimes it’s pure sonic magic.

With JeGong, we get a timestamp for greatness with a score that fits well with your journey through life. Emotions as sound and conviction with a sonic presence, ‘The Complex Inbetween’ is all encompassing. Musically diverse and beautifully viable, the album becomes a part of you as it mixes and swerves through your emotions and becomes what you are feeling through lucid interpretation.

About JeGong

JeGong continue their musical journey inspired by the experimental spirit of early electronic music and krautrock. With The Complex Inbetween Reto Mäder and Dahm Cipolla put a dazzling spin on the timeless music of such innovators as Can, Faust and Neu! incorporating noisier and more abrasive elements to create a mental odyssey into the uncanny. KurkOM is a krautrock reprise of Swans’ most punishing moments cast in the textural palette of acts like Author & Punisher and The Body.

JeGong return with their second full-length album which sees them continue their musical journey inspired by the spirit of krautrock, early electronic music and experimental rock. With The Complex Inbetween Dahm Majuri Cipolla (MONO, Watter) and Reto Mäder (Sum Of R, Ural Umbo) put a dazzling spin on the timeless music of genre innovators like Can, Faust and Neu!, incorporating noisier and more abrasive elements to create a mental odyssey into the uncanny. Born from the collision of the most unreal moments of Mäder’s free flowing musical associations with Cipolla’s stick-wielding hands, these eight compositions form the duo’s own mythical realm after the rhythm has been set.

As the cradle of electronic music, krautrock is often viewed by outsiders in terms of the mechanical rather than the human, yet Mäder and Cipolla manage to uncover a human side that has always been present in the music of their forebears. That driving beat which powers album opener «Come To The Center» was never meant to be called ‘Motorik’, as explains its inventor Klaus Dinger of Neu! in one interview. “It is very much a human beat. I like to call it the endless straight. It’s a feeling like a picture.” With Cipolla behind the kit the machine becomes human, testifying to the power that rhythm can hold over us as a deeply communal obsession.

“Enjoyment of the landscape is a thrill” is a remark famously attributed to David Hockney, and i n The Complex Inbetween that sentiment gets a sonic gestalt. Along the endless straights of mechanic-human drum beats and pulsating sequencers JeGong unveil vibrant vistas painted with meticulous attention to detail.

Perhaps, besides meditating to it, you should be taking notes while listening to these tracks. Regardless of your style of listening, whether intuitively or intellectually, The Complex Inbetween is a deeply introspective afair for everyone, as by inviting you into their circle JeGong unearth a deeper shared humanity that touches the core of all of us.